Konrad Achillis schreef op 2 oktober 2010:

Dear Bart,
I am just flabbergasted reading your endles reasonings about the so-called non existence of GOD.
You cannot undo HIM.
You cannot even touch HIM.
But HE can touch you - with his grace.



Dear Konrad,

To this I can only reply with Hitchen’s dictum: What can be asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof.

With kind regards,

Bart Klink


Wie zijn er online?

We hebben 56 gasten en geen leden online

Geef je mening

Welke positie over het bestaan van god(en) onderschrijft u?

Bekende atheïsten

Peter SingerPeter Singer, filosoof en hoogleraar bioethiek aan de Princeton University.


I agree that billions of people "feel" god exists, but feelings are only evidence of what lies in our hearts and dreams. Feelings do not tell us much about reality outside of ourselves.

~ Richard Carrier

Konrad Achillis schreef op 2 oktober 2010:

Dear Bart,
I am just flabbergasted reading your endles reasonings about the so-called non existence of GOD.
You cannot undo HIM.
You cannot even touch HIM.
But HE can touch you - with his grace.



Dear Konrad,

To this I can only reply with Hitchen’s dictum: What can be asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof.

With kind regards,

Bart Klink

Wie zijn er online?

We hebben 56 gasten en geen leden online

Geef je mening

Welke positie over het bestaan van god(en) onderschrijft u?

Bekende atheïsten

Peter SingerPeter Singer, filosoof en hoogleraar bioethiek aan de Princeton University.


I agree that billions of people "feel" god exists, but feelings are only evidence of what lies in our hearts and dreams. Feelings do not tell us much about reality outside of ourselves.

~ Richard Carrier