Op 29 mei zal vrijdenkersvereniging De Vrije Gedachte in Utrecht een studiedag houden over de vrijheid van opvoeding. In het bijzonder zal stilgestaan worden bij de vraag of en hoe het mogelijk is kinderen zo vrij van geest mogelijk op te voeden. Prominente intellectuelen als Bas Haring, Floris van den Berg en Maarten van Rossum zullen hierover spreken. Meer informatie is hier te vinden.

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Geef je mening

Welke positie over het bestaan van god(en) onderschrijft u?

Bekende atheïsten

James RandiJames Randi, Amerikaanse goochelaar, skepticus en bestrijder van pseudo-wetenschap (inclusief homeopathie) van Canadese afkomst.


Much of what people do is done in the name of God. Irishmen blow each other up in his name. Arabs blow themselves up in his name. Imams and ayatollahs oppress women in his name. Celibate popes and priests mess up people's sex lives in his name. Jewish shohets cut live animals' throats in his name. The achievements of religion in past history - bloody crusades, torturing inquisitions, mass-murdering conquistadors, culture-destroying missionaries, legally enforced resistance to each new piece of scientific truth until the last possible moment - are even more impressive. And what has it all been in aid of? I believe it is becoming increasingly clear that the answer is absolutely nothing at all. There is no reason for believing that any sort of gods exist and quite good reason for believing that they do not exist and never have. It has all been a gigantic waste of time and a waste of life. It would be a joke of cosmic proportions if it weren't so tragic.

~ Richard Dawkins

Op 29 mei zal vrijdenkersvereniging De Vrije Gedachte in Utrecht een studiedag houden over de vrijheid van opvoeding. In het bijzonder zal stilgestaan worden bij de vraag of en hoe het mogelijk is kinderen zo vrij van geest mogelijk op te voeden. Prominente intellectuelen als Bas Haring, Floris van den Berg en Maarten van Rossum zullen hierover spreken. Meer informatie is hier te vinden.

Wie zijn er online?

We hebben 180 gasten en geen leden online

Geef je mening

Welke positie over het bestaan van god(en) onderschrijft u?

Bekende atheïsten

James RandiJames Randi, Amerikaanse goochelaar, skepticus en bestrijder van pseudo-wetenschap (inclusief homeopathie) van Canadese afkomst.


Much of what people do is done in the name of God. Irishmen blow each other up in his name. Arabs blow themselves up in his name. Imams and ayatollahs oppress women in his name. Celibate popes and priests mess up people's sex lives in his name. Jewish shohets cut live animals' throats in his name. The achievements of religion in past history - bloody crusades, torturing inquisitions, mass-murdering conquistadors, culture-destroying missionaries, legally enforced resistance to each new piece of scientific truth until the last possible moment - are even more impressive. And what has it all been in aid of? I believe it is becoming increasingly clear that the answer is absolutely nothing at all. There is no reason for believing that any sort of gods exist and quite good reason for believing that they do not exist and never have. It has all been a gigantic waste of time and a waste of life. It would be a joke of cosmic proportions if it weren't so tragic.

~ Richard Dawkins